Level 5 Academic Writing Workshops
All the workshops last for two hours and are repeat workshops, so you only need to book on one of the workshops below. The workshops are limited to 15 participants, to allow for greater interaction.
The workshops will cover the following: Presentation and structure; writing good descriptions, discussions and reflections; demonstration of analytical thinking in writing; effective integration of relevant and appropriate evidence.
Workshop content
Presentation and structure
- Presenting and structuring your assignment
- Developing a clear and logical argument
- Including effective use of signposting
- Accurate and fluent writing
- Academic writing style
- Sentence construction
- Spelling and punctuation
Depth, integration and analysis of literature
Using relevant reading effectively and demonstrating analytical thinking in your written assignments.
Handouts to take with you
Please download the handouts for this workshop:
Handouts for level 5 workshops
Useful phrases for critiquing research
HSK Marking Criteria Written Coursework Level 5
To access the booking form you’ll need to log in to your UH Microsoft Office 365 account with your UH username (e.g. abc123@herts.ac.uk) and password.
If you book a place on a workshop, you commit yourself to attending. If you know that you cannot attend, please email the SSAS team (hsk.skills@herts.ac.uk). This will allow another student to book a place. Thank you!